the buzz on cod is about the new maps and the newest nazi zombie der reise with loads of new stuff telports monkey bombs
and loads more including the pack a punch machine upgrades your weapons try and live for your life as you run in a zombie
hell. Before we tell you some more stuff  about the maps just below is a tip to survive at high rounds like 15 to 20 the rest
is up to you but can stay in one place or run around the map at round 21 - 26 when we move on to the next couple of pages my friend chocsrallmine who will show you glitches for shi no numa and der riese.then we are going to tell  you how to get the achievement der eletrician.
created by wankyson assisted by chocsrallmine  mod havoc coa ppp,s in a can do you want to join a clan tss is the clan to join send a message to wankyson saying you want to join and chocrallmine.